How to Support Someone You Love That Has Kidney Disease
As the caring family member of someone suffering from a disease, it can often be hard to know how to help. Although you want desperately to show your support, it’s not always easy to know what your loved one needs the most especially if you don’t know anyone else who has ever had kidney disease. […]
Now Offering Individual CKD 4 Educational Classes
Durham Nephrology is now offering individual CKD 4 educational classes for patients. During the classes, patients will learn about their diagnosis of stage 4 chronic kidney disease, how to protect their health and future treatment options. Additionally, these classes allow sufficient time for patients to ask questions and receive personal attention to their concerns. About […]
8 Simple Tips to Prevent Kidney Disease
Did you know that 1 in 3 American adults are at risk for kidney disease? The major risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, a family history of kidney failure and being age 60 or older. While you can’t change your age or family history, there are several lifestyle changes you can make to prevent […]
10 Foods to Eat or Avoid If You Have Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease can be either long-term or chronic, but it is possible to live a normal life with the disease. One of the best things you can do to help manage your disease and keep it from progressing is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. For those with chronic kidney disease, a low-protein diet […]
The new blood pressure goals were published by the American Heart Association. The goal for the systolic blood pressure (top number) goal is either below 130 or below 140. The two target blood pressures result in some reduction in Heart disease and overall death rate. There was no difference in the effect on the kidneys […]
Durham Nephrology Selected to Help Accelerate Renal Research
Durham Nephrology Associates was selected to be part of the high performing investigative sites comprising F1RST Up–a program to accelerate study startup for renal research. We were selected as a research site because of our expertise in renal research and track record of timely and quality patient care.